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Free space not always desired

Under time pressure support may be authoritarian





You could think that superiors or colleagues who grant autonomy while helping their staff are the most popular ones. People could learn most and develop their skills better after all, couldn´t they? Still: this is not the case. The so or so judgement depends much more whether tasks have to be fulfilled under time pressure or not. That´s the outcome of a new Israelian study: The positive effect of supporting measures that foster autonomy decreases if anything has to go quickly. If people are confronted with tough deadlines then a superior who helps by giving strict orders is more highly appreciated.

Chernyak-Hai/Heller/Tov-Nachlieli/Weiss-Sidi, “Give them a Fishing Rod, if it is not urgent: the impact of help type on support of helper´s Leadership”, in: Journal of Applied Psychology”, 2024, Vol. 109, No. 4, 551–572

From the practice:

These finding confirm what we know from leadership theories for a long time: authoritarian behavior may have advantages when we are running into a crisis. That´s why there is and will be also in future no single over all leadership formula. Responsible ones have to keep up their flexibility and consider from case to case which sort of support or help is actually appropiate for their subordinates. Otherwise they will harvest wrongdoings, rejections or defense.

It´s her or him saying “Sorry”?

Apologies contrasting the cliché are more effective





Apologies have a particular high credibility if neither women nor men use gender typical wordings. Or the other way round: Women who are explaining their misbehaviour and suggest accurate steps for reparation (agentic behaviour) or men who express their appreciation directly and ask explicitly for forgiveness (communal behaviour) are more likely to be pardoned. Contrasting the cliché is the path or the formula to success when it comes to apologizing effectively.

Why? Because you don´t emphasize the expected but on the contrary complete your gender typical strengths with an additional unexpected competence.

This is according to recent outcomes of a new US-American study.

Polin/Doyle/Kim/Lewicki/Chawla, “Sorry to ask but…..How is Apology Effectiveness Dependent on Apology Content and Gender?”, in: Journal of Applied Psychology, 2024, vol. 109, Nr. 3, 339-361.



From the practice:

It pays off with applications, too: talking as a woman particularly about decision-making power and the ability to conflict or as a man about relationship skills and team orientation. To bring up arguments contrasting the gender specific cliché is key.

And I do believe it in a second – that the very same communication strategy effects also in case of apologies.

Hence, here some other crucial aspects pop up and don´t want to be overheard: 1. Timing – Say sorry asap. 2. Body language – Keep eye contact under all circumstances. 3. The channel – Apologize better in person than by writing. 4. Wording: Be authentic!

No privacy of scientists while publishing

Personal information reduces the credibility of studies, whereas empathy steps up





Private information while networking or maintaining relationships in the office may be a good idea when it comes to establish closeness and openness. It is irrelevant, though, when delivered by scients.

On the contrary: Launching private aspects while presenting new research insights is of no good for their credibility. The public labels this sort of self-disclosure as a contradiction to case oriented expertise and trusts these results less than more, says a recent analysis from Munich universities.

The authors point also to the risk of receiving undesirable reactions by web users when scientists publish private information – particularly if the research is dealing with controversial issues.

Altenmüller/Kampschulte/Verbeek/Gollwitzer, “Science Communication Gets Personal: Ambivalent Effects of Self-Disclosure in Science Communication on Trust in Science, in: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 2023, Vol. 29, Nr. 4, 793 – 812.

From the practise:

And still there are ways how you can gain acceptance for your scientific results and their relevance respectively by means of rhetoric when encountering lay people. The key to success lies due to my own experiences in the opposite of the topic the Munich study: instead of trying to get sort of familiarity with listeners by ways of private information  researchers should put themselves in the position of their audiences – the wording, the argumentation, specific examples and potential consequences of the new insights pave the way to the hearts and the trust of non-experts. Empathy is the magic word.

Wer zeichnet, merkt sich´s besser

Skizzen sind auch top beim Erklären und Verdeutlichen






Positive wie negative Worte bleiben am besten im Gedächtnis haften, wenn sie nicht niedergeschrieben, sondern gezeichnet worden sind. Warum das so ist? Aus drei Gründen: 1. Weil das Zeichnen als solches, die motorische Bewegung, eine hervorragende Mnemotechnik ist, 2. weil Emotionen ebenso grundsätzlich einen stärkeren Abdruck als neutrale Informationen im Gedächtnis erzeugen und 3. weil die Kombination von beidem noch einmal einen Quantensprung beim Merken darstellt.

Das sind die eindeutigen Erkenntnisse von Experimenten zweier kanadischer PsychologInnen der University of Waterloo. Die ForscherInnen empfehlen daher für den Alltag, eine Art Skizzen-Tagebuch zu verwenden. ForensikerInnen raten sie, ZeugInnen möglichst zeitnah das miterlebte kriminelle Geschehen zeichnen zu lassen und sich sicher nicht nur auf die gesprochenen Beschreibungen zu verlassen.

Tran/Fernandes, “Drawing Enhances Memory for Emotional Words”, in: Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology”, 2023, vol. 77, nr. 4, 296-307.



Von der Praxis:

Ich bin ein Fan des gezeichneten Worts. Seit Jahren schon lasse ich meine KlientInnen ihre Visionen lieber zeichnen, anstatt sie allein mit Worten beschreiben und Bullet points aufs Flipchart setzen. Denn es wird so deutlicher, was die/der Betreffende wirklich anstrebt, sich wirklich wünscht.

Das Zeichnen ist aber auch eine hervorragende Technik, um die Schlüssigkeit und Verständlichkeit von Erklärungen zu überprüfen. Frei nach dem Motto: Was Du nicht zeichnen kannst, kannst Du auch nicht erklären, empfehle ich allen KlientInnen, die ein Argument oder ein Beispiel für einen Auftritt vorbereiten müssen, dieses zu skizzieren. Ob als Prozesschart, als Pressegraphik oder als großes Stimmungsbild, ist Geschmacksache. Auf diese Weise wird nicht nur sehr schnell offenkundig, ob die Erklärung passt – die Zeichnung produziert manchmal auch Wortbilder, Metaphern, die ausgesprochen dann wieder zurück ins gesprochene Wort fließen.

Soft skills: Integritry is still key

The Pandemic has left remarkable traces, though






Within a decade, between 2012 and 2022 the relevance of soft skills at the working place has changed substantially. And you may presume that the pandemic has its role in it. Nowadays superiors are looking for people in their teams who are easy-going when challenges pop up on the horizon (adaptability) and who are willing and able to move proactively and work with a lot of self-leadership (Conscientiousness).

10 years ago general abilities like “communication” or “Courtesy” were ranking highest and being associated as match winner for getting a really good job. Unchangedly at the top of all soft skills integrity is residing – demonstrating that trust or ethics forever matter.

These are at least the results two US-American female researchers are getting to when repeating Roble´s Soft Skills Study of 2012. Last but not least: soft skills have become more important at all.

Fletcher/Thornton, “The Top 10 Soft Skills in Business Today Compared to 2012″, in: Business and Professsional Communication Quarterly”, 2023, vol. 86 (4), 411 – 426.

From the practice:

I am curious: will social competencies finally be judged equally with classical expertise when people run for executive jobs in hearings? Will the methodology used in these types of finding and selection processes be adapted to better identify how many promising candidates deal with others nicely – with or without hierarchy, in seemingly easy, but then also in complex phases, being aware of home offices and online-Meetings? If yes, Covid-19 actually would have brought a priceless added value into recruiting. I am thinking here particularly about cognitive professionals, scientist, consultants, legal experts – just to name a few. Whether we like it or not: classical expertise does not pay off in case of executives who fail in cooperation.

Wo wir in der Arbeit Energie verlieren

Oder: wie Sie Ihre Zeit im Büro noch effizienter planen können





Eine aktuelle chinesisch-US-amerikanische Studie bringt neue Insights:

  1. Auf das Verhältnis Meetings zu Einzelarbeit kommt es an. Es ist nicht die Anzahl der Meetings als solche, die uns Tag für Tag Energie raubt, sondern das Verhältnis zwischen Meetings und Einzelarbeit. Denn je mehr wir in Meetings sitzen, desto weniger können wir zwischendurch neue Kraft tanken, die wir gerade als Büromenschen dort, wo wir allein Probleme lösen, brauchen.
  2. Über den Stress-Pegel läßt sich eine gute Balance schaffen. Je stressiger ein Meeting an einem bestimmten Tag, desto müheloser und unaufgeregter sollten die einzeln zu bewältigenden Tätigkeiten sein. Und umgekehrt.

Die ForscherInnen empfehlen allen Führungskräften daher dringend, besser vorauszuschauen und unter allen Umständen fordernde Meetings UND fordernde Einzelaufgaben an einem Tag zu verhindern.

Zhang/Spreitzer/Qiu, “Meetings and Individual Work During the Workday: Examining Their Interdependent Impact on Knowledge Workers’ Energy “, in: Journal of Applied Psychology, 2023, vol. 108, nr. 10, pg. 1640-1661.

 Aus der Praxis:

Diese Studie bestätigt, was wir doch schon lange wissen: wer von Meeting zu Meeting hetzt, hat kaum Zeit, die dort getroffenen Vereinbarungen abzuarbeiten, weiterzugeben oder gar zu den Betroffenen sinnbildend zu kommunizieren. Und doch pferchen sich noch immer ManagerInnen aller Branchen ihre Kalender mit Meetings zu, auf dass ihre latente geistige wie auch irgendwann mal körperliche Müdigkeit immer offenkundiger wird.

Klug? Nein. Verhinderbar? Ja. Natürlich lassen sich in Spitzenpositionen und/oder in Krisenzeiten extrem intensive Zeiten im Büro nicht verhindern. Aber Ausgelaugtsein als Dauerzustand, wie es so viele Führungskräfte sich selbst und ihrer Umgebung zumuten, schadet allen: der Sache, den handelnden Personen, der Organisation.

Gestures differ

Better understanding or better recollection is your choice




YOU decide whether your gestures provide a better understanding of your words or whether they are simply better remembered. According to a current Turkish study gestures differ. The scientists have analysed what sort of gesticulation is better perceived and how gestures then contribute to a better understanding of what you tell.

  1. The more your hands move beyond the outlines or your body the stronger the impact. 2. If gestures underline your messages they are much better GesprächspartnerInnen – almost nobody remembers your gestures per se, though, since words and visualizing merge. 3. Your gestures are much better remembered when they complement your speech as an additional message. But then there is no benefit for your understanding – disagreements follow too often.

Özer/Karadöller/Özyürek/Göksun, “Gestures cued by demonstratives in speech guide listener´ visual attention during spatial comprehension”, in: Journal of Experimental Psychology: General”, 152(9), 2623–2635.

From the practise:

Two recommendations added: a) When you use a gesture as an added message to your text, then shut your mouth and explain what you meant later. This will result in a double effect – best possible understanding and best possible recollection for your thoughts. b) Keep in mind that the authenticity of your gesticulation is key! Scripted movements are perceived as unlikely, artificial and awful.

Voicers are sleeping better

Office behavior prevents or brings insomnia




A new option how we can care for our own sleep´s sake has popped up: start asap expressing promotive voice at your working place and you definitely will be slumbering better. Way better than those at least who are sticking with pure critique for procedures or content and than those who don´t manage to deliver solutions, too. Why is this? According to a newly published US study solvers are more able to relax from a heavy working day and to fall asleep with pleasant feelings. Actually it is a vicious circle: one who sleeps not well is lacking energy on the very next day for bringing in solutions and good ideas. And one who is rolling over problems all over the day without giving birth to innovative answers does sleep badly.

Heydarifard/Krasikova, “Losing Sleep Over Speaking Up at Work: A Daily Study of Voice and Insomnia”, in: Journal of Applied Psychology”, 2023, vol. 23-103033108, nr. 9, 1559-1572.


 From the practice:

It is logical somehow, and still fabulous to listen to it explicitly: that the feeling after having made a constructive contribution, after haven given one´s part to accomplishing a project, is satisfying AND makes us sleep well.

So if you ask me, organizations of any kind do face right now a typical win-win-situation: those who want their staff to have enough sleep overnight, are nourishing number and quality of promotive voice, and those who are fostering an open culture of discussion and transparency where solutions and ideas from the staff are appreciated do support indirectly a healthy team qua good sleep.

And you, dear employees, you do have another brilliant reason to develop a more stringent orientation towards goals and solutions. Good luck to all!

7 questions on your way to effective emails

Polish study: Any manager can improve in writing





Precise, clear, supportive and optimistic: that´s how emails in the working place are meant to be. And this is going to materialize even without any specific linguistic or writing talent, at least a new study from Poland is pointing at. Managers ought to raise the following 7 questions before sending their emails, though:

  1. Why am I going to write instead of talking?
  2. What sort of wording can I use to address the aim of my message right at the top?
  3. Am I more interested to foreground that a task is to be done or that the relationship to the recipient/s is to be taken care of?
  4. How is my working relationship to the recipient/s and how do I intend to strengthen or change it?
  5. How may structure and messages contribute to the success of my email?
  6. How explicitly and honestly do I want to deliver my goals?
  7. What sort of politeness strategies and phrases of kindness can I use to accomplish my targets?

Molek-Kozakowska/Molek-Winiarska, “Managing in Writing: Recommendations from Textual Patterns in Managers´ Email Communication”, in: Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 2023 Sept; 86(3): 296-321.

From the practice:

These 7 questions are hillarious!

Being a former journalist I do know how exactly you have to weigh any single word to actually achieve what is to be accomplished. My technique to date: to put myself in the position of the recipient/s the moment he/she is opening and reading the emails and to feel as precisely as possible how this or that sentence will come across then. That applies particularly for the very beginning and the very end of my emails. Without any training and experience this procedure takes way too long.

That´s why, once again: these 7 questions are simply top and of big help!

Is „Fake knowledge“ out?

High confidence in declared insecurity





When being asked about your point of view or advice about developments to come you always have four options: a) you say “I don´t have a clue” or similar, b) you are simply estimating, c) you are determined with a fixed forecast, d) you are declaring your insecurity by adding confidence interval to your guess. According to a newly published US study the last one proves to be the most trustful – just imagine sentences like „I think the weather will become good tomorrow, at least up to 80%.“

This is independent from how close or far away one´s own estimates is from the confidence interval: we follow insecurities which are openly declared in such a way preferably. „Fake knowledge“ appears to be outdated – at least in specific circumstances.

Gaertig/Simmons, „Are people more or less likely to follow advice that is accompanied by a confidence interval?“, in: Journal of Experimental Psychology – General, 2023, Vol. 152, No. 7, 2008–2025.

From the practice:

Good news for all seriously and professionally communicating experts and advisers! Hence we need not to pretend to know everything and to be able to evaluate any development which is approaching on the horizon. On the contrary: if we declare our reading of the coffee grounds transparently by adding concrete probabilities we may even increase the number of our followers (this is true even outside of social media).

Why is this so? Perhaps because more and more people are fed up with boasters who want to cover up that they do not have any clue. Perhaps because numbers even when they are used „only“ as confidence intervals basically enjoy high credibility. Or perhaps because this type of communication comes across differentiated, reflected and likable. This is what I believe in at least up to 90%.


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