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Know them by their virtual networking!

High Performer much stronger in activating contacts beyond the own team





During the crisis High Performer are establishing and reactivating virtual networks beyond their own team 22% more – regardless of their status in a company´s hierarchy. They do so in order to gain strategic advantages: getting more information, having better access to ressources and recognizing developments within their organization faster than their colleagues. Interestingly still they are able to keep up their existing communication with their direct co-workers. These are the outcomes of a recent study conducted by Northwestern University/Illinous where 200 employees of a multinational manufacturing company with 18 locations and 17 teams have participated in.

Consequently the researchers recommend superiors of any level to consider the willingness and ability to get in touch with other departments and groups inside the company as an indicator for high performance.

„Teamwork in the Time of Covid-19: Creating, Dissolving and Reactivating Network Ties in Response to a Crisis“, Wu/Antone/Srinivasan/DeChurch/Contractor, in: Journal of Applied Psychology, 2021, vol. 106, nr. 10, 1483-1492.



From the practice:

Networking triggers opportunities – in an analogue setting like events where people are gathering before and after shut downs due to the Pandemic and virtually when it comes to attending webinars or utilizing online platforms (i.e. Linked-in, XING) for applications or new business. Moving here around systematically and proactively is crucial for your success in the market. It is news, though, that internal virtual networking, too, has become more and more beneficial during the Pandemic and has emerged as a clear hint for High Performers.

Discussing new networking strategies with my clients always leads to a very direct recommendation: Do it the same professional way you do the external networking! This means primarily: tell also colleagues how they can benefit from you and where you have your assets and special expertise, listen carefully to the needs of other departments and create a sense of attentiveness, a mood of cooperation and an an atmosphere of reliability.

Due to my experience this works not only in volatile times for your own PR but brings also your team option to lead.

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