To successfully change one´s behavior successfully depends on a lot
How Coaching contributes to a better job perfomance
A meta analysis of recent behavioral research and neuroscientific insights indicates the impact of classical coaching. Coaching, so the analysis, supports self efficacy and contributes to building up a stronger ego. To improve directly one´s job performance, though, some aspects have to be incorporated in the coaching process:
- There should be accurate planning – goal setting and reflecting upon that alone is not sufficient. Only in 28% of the cases goal setting as such was a good indicator for adopting new behavior.
- Goals have to be taylored and specific. Otherwise coachees cannot identify with them.
- To develop simultaneously to plan A also plan B decreases statistically the chance of accomplishing your goals.
- To maintain high flyer goals under all circumstances does not promise success and might on the contrary harm your health substantially. Adapting or letting loose is then the target.
- To exercise new behavior is ok, but rarely enough to deliver a better performance. It takes at least self-motivation and a minimum of talent and capabilities to guarantee an optimized output of your efforts.
Facilitating successful behavior change: beyond Goal setting to goal flourishing, Kenneth Nowack, Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Reserach, 2017, vol. 69, Nr. 3, 153-171.
From practice
To be a coach results almost everywhere in tremendously positive feedback because we support self-confidence and the sense of well being in elaborating with our clients how they can proactively shape and frame their careers. Frankly speaking I do not know anybody who does not felt satisfied during and after such a coaching process. But I also do believe that knowing what to do right does not mean necessarily to proceed with it – just think of all the resolutions you have made on all the Dec 31st you might remember.
We shake up our client´s ressources, we support to shovel the path clear to the client´s own aspirations and goals. And still it is just the very first step to feel good after the coaching session or to be able to bundle your concerns better.
In the end there are the implementation of new habits or the execution of new plans that count. Hereby we are able to measure how well and how professionally we have worked as coaches. Coaching for me is an output-oriented profession which intends to contribute to a change of the client´s behavior.
I do recommend: Check in advance if the professional background of the coach is of use for your issues or not – my professional background is executive communication & PR – and do not start any coaching process unless there are some jointly defined, accurate and evaluable goals.